Public Notices
Graceville-Holmes Creek Floodplain Notice
PowerSouth Energy Cooperative (PowerSouth) intends to seek financial assistance from USDA, Rural Utilities Service (RUS) for construction of the Graceville-Holmes Creek 115 kV Transmission Line Project in Holmes County, Florida. The proposed project consists of the construction of a new ± 1.1-mile long transmission line with right-of-way (ROW) widths measuring 20-75 feet, along with a 115 kV terminal addition and bus upgrade at Graceville Switching Station.
The transmission line will initiate at PowerSouth’s existing Graceville Switching Station located on Highway 2 near Graceville, and will terminate at Florida Power and Light’s (FPLs) existing Holmes Creek 115 kV Substation. Maps of the proposed route can be found below. The proposed transmission line route was selected in part due to its co-location with existing highway ROW and existing electrical transmission line ROW, thereby reducing impacts to land use. The majority of the Project corridor is within FEMA Flood Zone X, indicating Area of Minimal Flood Hazard, with only a small area (approximately 450 linear feet [±1 acre]) located in Zone A, the 1 percent annual chance flood zone or 100-year floodplain.
Transmission line construction will include the direct embedment of concrete poles and installation of overhead wire throughout the length of the corridor. Due to the nature of transmission line construction, no paving or grading will be required, and therefore flood elevations will not be affected. The project will require the removal of all woody vegetation close to ground level within the transmission line ROW. All stumps will be left in place in order to minimize ground disturbance and allow for infiltration of floodwaters into groundwater via root systems. All timber and brush resulting from clearing activities will be properly disposed of offsite. After initial clearing, the transmission line will be allowed to naturally revegetate and will undergo periodic routine vegetation management. Direct embedment of concrete poles within the ± 1 acre of floodplain may be required. Should placement of poles occur within the floodplain, any spoils removed from the structure holes will be disposed of in upland areas to avoid placing fill into floodplains. No work will take place within the banks of any streams or rivers, and temporary and permanent clearing and construction best management practices (BMPs), such as silt fencing, matting, mulching, and seeding, will be implemented to protect all waters of the state throughout the duration of the Project. PowerSouth contacted state and local floodplain administrators in March 2024 to inform them of the proposed project, provide an opportunity for comments, and to ensure that the project complies with any applicable local ordinances pertaining to floodplain management. No floodplain permits are required for this project.