What We Do
Striving to maintain our high standards
At PowerSouth, we operate 24/7/365, dedicated to our mission of safely delivering reliable, affordable power to promote the development of the communities our 20 distribution members serve throughout south Alabama and northwestern Florida. Fulfilling this mission is not just a responsibility, but a privilege.
We are constantly striving to maintain our high standards of reliability and affordability, and researching the latest technologies to provide electricity efficiently and seamlessly so that our service territory is competitive.

With an owned generating capacity of over 2,300 megawatts, we rely – first and foremost – on traditional sources like natural gas. Natural gas units like McIntosh (shown here) can be deployed at any time of the day or night, no matter the weather. Having access to reliable generation is critical during extreme weather, such as cold spikes or heat waves. But, we also emphasize the importance of fuel diversity. That’s why PowerSouth also purchases power generated by other sources, such as nuclear, hydro, solar, and coal, and why the cooperative is constantly investigating the latest cutting-edge technologies.

MWh generated in 20240
Service hours of owned generating facilities in 20240
All-time system peak (MW)Transmission
With more than 2,300 miles of transmission lines and substations, we provide quick, efficient and seamless power to the distribution members who need it – power that makes its way from our plants to the homes of consumer-members across our service territory. We maintain the critical infrastructure of our transmission system through rigorous inspection, timely replacement and long-term planning.
State-of-the-art equipment, such as our mobile substations, allows us to make upgrades or repairs without interrupting the reliable flow of power. We also have a robust telecommunications and fiber network that is constantly expanding, allowing for reliable and effective communication in the field – especially after storms strike.